Hello! My name is Justin! I am 21 years old, I am a proud self taught computer repair tech! I am starting to get my feet wet in coding, starting with web development and going to be starting C# and C++ along with the ancient language of Cobol! It is going to a long journey but I am here for it! I have a small business helping people around my small town by fixing electronics when needed!

About Me and My Life!

Throughout Highschool I always knew I loved computers but never had the money or resources to get started besides youtube.

My Junior year of Highschool I began taking Introduction to coding classes and that’s really when it took off. I then started taking all of my focus on saving money for a computer and learning as much as I could. Once I built my computer I then fell in love with computers and everything about them, i continued by building all of my friends and families computers to which then I decided to start helping my community by opening my own computer repair shop which I ran out of my bedroom at my parents house.

I then tried to continue my career by attending college at Eastern Gateway Community college, I attended for 2 years and even got an internship at a tech company as a tech support agent! unfortunately due to covid both of those came to an end as they were all done from my bedroom and me not being able to be hands on with anything or talk to people face to face got the best of me and I did not succeed as I intended too.

I continued to learn and develop my skills through my own ways of learning, being hands on while helping people in my life/ community! I am currently learning web development using HTML and going to be starting to learn C#,C++ and Cobol!

Connect with me here!